Saturday morning I got up at 4:45 so that I could get to the race site early to set up a tent for my family to sit under since the weather was going to be cool and rainy and I didn't want Amanda, my mom and the kids to be sitting out in the rain. I took a shower and got dressed and I got to the site at about 5:45. I was one of the first 15 people to arrive (including race workers and volunteers). I wanted to make sure to get the tent set up in a spot where my family could sit and see everything. The were definitely troopers for getting out in the weather to watch the race! I definitely had some awesome family support for the race!
The transition area opened at 6:30 and I began getting set up shortly thereafter. I checked my bike in and laid out a towel and went over the checklist of items that I got from some members of the triathlon team. I laid everything out according to when I would need it. Helmet, sunglasses, socks, and cycling shoes were laid out on my handlebars for the bike and running shoes and visor laid on the towel for the run. I covered all of it in plastic trash bags since it had already started to rain.
Once I got everything set up, I walked around the transition area and met a few MS Heat Triathlon Team members that I had not met, yet (all of them were really cool and encouraging and fun to talk with). I had planned on taking my bike for a short ride prior to the race to make sure everything was in working order, but that didn't pan out due to the rain. About that time was when Amanda, my mom and the kids arrived and I was glad to see them. After I talked to them for a bit, I went and got into the water to relax a little before the race and check out the water temperature. It was a steamy 84 degrees in the water, which meant no wetsuits. I just hung out there until race officials made us get out to line up for the start.
The start was a time

Swim (1/3 mile)

On the way back in, I maneuvered my way around the slower swimmers and shortly after I was passed by a faster swimmer. I snuck in behind the faster swimmer and took advantage of the draft for as long as I could. I actually got bored with the swim on the way back in, probably because all I could see was brown water. It was a huge relief to get back to the beach and know that my first triathlon swim was done. Looking back, though, I learned a few things during the swim. I learned, most importantly, that I can do it. I learned that I swim straight in calm water with no current.
Swim time- 12:40 (6th of 12 in my age group- would have been 10th of 71 in beginners)
Transition #1

T1 time- 2:23
Bike (16.5 miles)

Bike Time: 59:23 (16.8 mph, 10th of 12 in my age group- would have been 41st of 71 in beginners)
Transition 2

T2 time- 1:58
Run (3.1 miles)

Run time- 32:24 (10:48/mile, 12th of 12 in my age group- would have been 61st out of 71 in beginners)
Overall Time- 1:48:46 (12th of 12 in my age group- would have been 45th of 71 in beginners)

Did I achieve the goals I set before the race?
Swim Goals
1. Swim straight and don't waste energy- YES
2. Time under 11 minutes- NO (but only one person in my age group did this and he was the overall winner of the race)
Bike Goals
1. Conserve energy for the run- YES (as well as could be expected considering the hills and was disciplined about backing off to conserve energy when needed)
2. Time under 57 minutes (17mph)- NO (0.2mph off of goal pace and missed time by 2:23, but pretty good considering I had no speedometer or cadence sensor usage)
Run Goals
1. No walking- NO
2. 34 minute run time- YES (beat this goal by 1:36)
Transition Goals
1. Don't forget anything- Yes
2. Under 2 minutes transition time- NO in T1, YES in T2
Overall Race Goals
1. Have fun- HELL YES!
2. Finish under 1:50:00- YES (1:48:46 race time beat goal by 1:14)
That was first triathlon. For all the other triathletes who read this, I know you're probably thinking back to your first race and remembering what a great experience it was. Well, I'll tell you, my experience was just a great. For those non-triathletes who read this, you should try it. One of the neat things I noticed was that you don't have to be an athlete to complete a triathlon. I saw everything from speedos to surfing trunks; top-of-the-line triathlon bikes to mountain bikes to cruising bikes you might see in your grandmother's garage; racing flats to barefoot runners (yes, I saw someone doing the race barefoot!). I saw people of all shapes and sizes. It's really very inspiring to see someone cross the finish line that weighs 250+ pounds. If you've thought about doing it, you should.
So, I really need to thank some people at this point.
- My wife, Amanda, for putting up with this new "obsession" of mine. I know I talk too much about racing and training, but I appreciate her for putting up with me and my training. Maybe one day I'll be able to get out there racing with me.
- My mom, for coming over to the race after work late Friday evening after a long day at work to cheer me on and help Amanda with the kids and encouraging me along the way- and my dad for being on the other end of the phone to congratulate me when I got done.
- My kids, Jenna and Parker, for being good during the race so Amanda and mom didn't have to chase them in the rain.
- Larry Creswell, Matt and Amanda Cassell, Scott Poag, Charlie Murray, and all of the other MS Heat Triathlon Team members who offered me great words of encouragement and advice which were essential to me completing the race while having fun.
- Cain Clinkscales: for motivating me to get out of bed on the mornings when I really didn't feel like it.
- Fallen soldiers: for the ultimate sacrifice and an unfortunate source of motivation.
- And, everyone else who offered encouragement along the way, I appreciate you.