Sunday, June 28, 2009

The last couple of weeks of training have gone fairly well. I've had one tough swim and one tough bike ride in the last couple of weeks; but, other than that, the workouts have gone well. I have learned something in the last couple of weeks. I learned that if I am going to make any headway running, I probably need to spend more time on the treadmill. It seems to me that this oppressive Mississippi heat is not doing anything to help my endurance. I could be wrong, but since I am letting my heart rate dictate my pace, a more controlled training environment might actually do me some good. I hate to say that because I have never been a big fan of treadmill running; but, at this point I don't feel like I have much of a choice.

I recently acquired a bike trainer to ride in my house on days when I have to work all day and can't get out on the road before dark. I really like riding the trainer because I can do it whenever I want whether it be 4AM or 11PM and doing it in front of the television during a good TV show really helps to pass the time.

The last week's workouts have all been short. Every 4th week of my training for both the triathlon and marathon are basically "recovery" weeks. That doesn't mean that there will be no workouts- it just means that the workouts will shorter. This week starts another build phase of the plan. I'm excited about the next 3 weeks. Before the next recovery week, I should be up to an 18 minute nonstop swim, an hour on the bike and running for about 30 minutes.

On the fundraising front, I've had some extremely generous donations which have kept me on pace to reach my goals. I can't thank everyone who has donated enough. Like I have said before, it makes it a whole lot easier to train knowing that so many people are supporting me.

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